Borough Government

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I report a pothole?

Fill out a pothole survey here or call the Borough Office 215-379-8572

Where do I report a street light out?

Fill out this survey here or call the Borough Office 215-379-8572.

When is Bulk Trash Day and how many bulk items can I put out?

Bulk trash day for white goods (washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc.) is the first Wednesday of the month.  All other bulk items are collected weekly on Wednesdays -  one bulk item per residence.

How do I dispose of an old TV?

Montgomery County has partnered with Retrievr for clothes and electronics pick-ups.  For more information please visit

Where can I pay a parking ticket?

At the Police Station or Borough Hall.

How can I report that my trash and/or recycling was not collected?

As soon as you are aware that it has not been collected, please email so that the trash company can be notified that they need to come back. Please leave your trash/recycling at the curb; if it is not picked up on Wednesday (trash day) they will return on Thursday to collect.

If I own a business or property in the borough, what is the process that Berkheimer uses to collect Business Privilege Taxes?

This is the first year that Berkheimer has collect the Business Privilege Tax. Learn the process of how it is collected by clicking here!